
now I am looking for a week for a soulution to get the actual Linux 5.1.1 (for download) to boot.

On normal (no lapop) computers of friends the CD is booting and all looks good.

I assume a coherence with the kernel-release or the changed starting procedure since Kernel release 2.6.

In the book "Linux Livesysteme" from Rainer Hattenhauer I found a hint, that since Knoppix 3.4 there a 2 different kernel releases for choice at starting Knoppix.

So I downloaded old releases from kernel.org-Mirror to test.

So I tested with old releases e.g. 3.7.
Release with Kernel 2.4.27 bootet well (also in expert mode)
(I always use the option: 2 vga=normal undependent weather starting with "knoppix"or "expert")
In the same Knoppix-Release (same CD) - it is possible to sart the release with Kernel 2.6.x with the instruction "knoppix26" or "expert26"
if I use the "2 vga=normal"
I get the following message - an after that there is no more reaction.

Loading linux26...........
Loading minirt26.gz.....

With the new realease 5.1 the message is
Loading linux...............
Loading minirt.gz.........

This looks interresting, because in above book there is a information:
"The booloader isolinux will be controlled with the config file linuxrc, which is in a compressed Mini-Root-System named miniroot.gz (or if different releases miniroot24.gz or miniroot26.gz).

But now I have no idea what I can do.
I have tested much cheatcode-combinations.
But I not very experienced with the differences between the kernel releases. Maybe there is anyone who has looked at the source and knows the differences.

I would be very thankful vor every help.

