I hoped to find some good, up to date info on package admin in this thread, but I could not see much. There is a need for a sticky package tools thread here, but maybe start a new one?

Here is a nice introduction I found: http://maketecheasier.com/become-an-apt-guru/2009/02/24.

Should we try to use aptitude instead of apt-get?
From the link:

There’s some debate and confusion regarding these two tools. Many Linux users have a hard time telling when/why to use one over the other, as they do roughly the same thing.
Short answer: use Aptitude.
Long answer: Both can be used to manage all software installations removals, and both will do a good job. The Debian team officially recommends using Aptitude. It’s not that it’s a LOT better than apt-get, but that it’s a little better, in lots of ways. You can use either one and it will meet your package management needs, but don’t mix and match on the same system. Pick one and stick with it.
That article is from 2009. Anyone having experiences/viewpoints?