Hi Everyone,

I have a remastering dilemma, adding new HW support to Knoppix 5.1.1 or replace older version of Xorg in Knoppix 5.3.1.
Which one is easier?

More specifically, Knoppix 5.1.1 boots my ASUS R2H UMPC to X desktop nicely, but has not detect USB wireless device;
while Knoppix 5.3.1 detects wireless device and initiate it nicely (with zd1211rw module), but fails to bring up X-desktop. I tried very hard to manually config Xorg but no success. I think the problem is new version of Xorg in 5.3.1. By the way, both version detect graphic card correctly and use i810 drive.

I think replacing with older version of X in 5.3.1 involves lots of packages and recompile kernel. Adding a drive may be easier, still need to recompile kernel though. On the other hand, new Knoppix has better overall HW support. I am not sure which is better since I have never remastered a distribution. Before I jump in, I need your suggestion. Thank you.
