Quote Originally Posted by theh
Now my questions:
How do I get rid of it ? Install a new kernel ? Which one should I take ?
I also reported the ub problem in these threads,


It seems installing a kernel without ub is the only way to go.
Quote Originally Posted by theh
Do I have to compile it myself or is it O.K to take the debian kernels ?
Strictly speaking, Knoppix on hard disk is not a pure Debian system. The Debian kernels never work on my machine, mostly likely due to certain kernel options incompatible with the Knoppix init process. I think you have 2 possible solutions:

1. Build your own custom kernel without ub by ensuring CONFIG_BLK_DEV_UB=n
2. Download and install the Kanotix kernel from http://www.kanotix.com/files/kernel/ The Kanotix kernel is more advanced and can run slightly faster (i586 optimized). I installed it to my Knoppix-4.0.2 without trouble, and indeed, far more stable than the original kernel. Of course, use it at your own risks!