OK, I finally got my old zip drive working and recognized.

And I even got my Fuji FinePix 2300 camera to be recognized as a simple USB storage device. I can download my pics and everything. (That was a revelation!!!)

BUT! How do I unmount and or "refresh" these devices when I want to

1. eject, and put in a new zip disk


2. change memory cards in the camera so that it sees a fresh one? I mean, I will typically use more than one memory card on a trip or photo shoot

When I do: umount /mnt/zip OR umount /dev/sdb4

I get "device is busy". And I can't even manually eject the disk by pressing the eject button.


If I do: umount /mnt/camera

I again get "device is busy".

This prevents me from changing out memory cards.

What's the trick here? How do unmount these things?
