Downloaded Knoppix 3.7 and love it! Long time RedHat and Fedora user, but Knoppix is great for some in-house projects we want to dig into! Kudos! FYI, I tried running on Dell Inspiron 8200 and 5000, and both work great!

For testing some DMZ's I have, I want to setup a temp website. I saw it has apache (good!) but want to configure the httpd.conf to point to a usb key which has some .html files. Of course, the boot cd won't allow me to save to the cd, so I tried to save the httpd.conf to sda1 (USB key), and no workie. Says it cannot save or not enough space.

How can I configure the httpd and other apache setttings with knoppix, and plan on saving those (to a usb key)?

I know I can save my knoppix config (desktop, network settings, XF86Config, yaddayadda...) to the usb and I've done so successfully...