Hello All,

Following the Remastering HowTo in the wiki, I created a swapfile (creatively called swapfile) in the knoppix directory of an empty 12Gb hard drive formatted Fat. I created everything as root. When I entered the command swapon swapfile, the command did not terminate (waited two hours) and could not be stopped with CTRL-C. Entering the command free -m in another window shows a zero size swap file.

I tried this with Knoppix 5.1.1, and it worked fine. Has anyone created and started a swapfile with 6.0.1 successfully? I am using an ASUS AV733 motherboard with an AMD Athalon XP 1700+ processor and 512Mb DRAM.

I am trying to make a 6.0.1 without ADRIANNE and Open Office and with more of the tools in 5.1.1, the reason being that only 6.01. will restart the network if it is disconnected, but there is no ssh daemon and no gui vim.
