I'm trying out Knoppix 6.4.4 via a Live USB. If I just boot normally, everything except Compiz works out of the box... wireless USB, sound, screen resolution, everything. Wow, impressive! My video card is an oldish Nvidia GeForce 6150LE.

So, after reading knoppix-cheatcodes.txt and searching these forums, I gave boot option xmodule=nv a try. What happens is it drops me to console as root@Microknoppix, and if I just let it sit there it will prompt me to reboot after about a minute, saying maybe my card is not autoconfigurable. But if I go ahead and enter startx before the minute is up I get logged in with Compiz and everything else working, only as root, of course.

I'm wondering what is going on, and whether I can log in as Knoppix with Compiz working before I make the USB persistent. Many thanks in advance.