There are quite a few Knoppix packages involved, with a small minority installable from repos.
Here is a small script, called, for faster and safer creation of packages. It creates a list of all installed packages in subdirectory knxdata, using dpkg-query, and uses that list.

It creates the full list of knoppix-branded packages that may be created this way in directory deb - with no guarantee of usability
I try with arch=all first - to see how it works out.

# 20160327 
# Usage
# sudo ./ create package-list-1
# sudo ./ create package-list-2
# sudo ./ repackage knoppix-debs
function repackage_knoppix() {
    command=$1; shift;
    operand=$1; shift;
     [ -d knxdata ] || mkdir knxdata ;
    case "${command} ${operand}" in

    "create package-list-1") 
        dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Section} ${Package}\n' | sort -n > knxdata/knx761_DVD_sect1.txt ;

    "create package-list-2")
        dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Section} ${Package} ${Installed-Size}\n' | sort -n > knxdata/knx761_DVD_sect2.txt ;
    "repackage knoppix-debs") 
        [ -d deb ] || mkdir deb ;
        cd deb ;
        dpkg-repack -arch=all `cat ../knxdata/knx761_DVD_sect1.txt | grep ^knoppix | cut -d' ' -f2` ;
        cd .. ;

        *) echo oops - no executable command


    repackage_knoppix $1 $2 ;