I have recently removed Mandrake from my HD, as I was strongly disappointed. When I tried Knoppix-live, I decided to install it! But...
I have Win XP on first Hard Drive, and I have successfully installed Knoppix 3.3 on second one, creating the bootloader LILO the same partiton (root). The installation went fine, execpt I had an error when Knoppix asked me to write data on a floppy (it didn't do it). When I rebooted I realized I cannot access to Linux, due to the fact that my Compaq Presario BIOS is not able to boot on second HD (only to C, and I have no bott-floppy. Now I am stuck... Cannot make the bootloader on first HD due to NTFS, cannot load the boot from second HD due to BIOS.... Anyone knows how to put lilo an floppy (recall, I can't booot HD installation, but only live CD...)