Guess i'd plug the new release over here too, quite a few changes, so things are getting interesting

for more info and downloads, check out!


-- changelog --

03-04-2003 (version 0.3-4 base, all mainmodules)
- integrated translucency, can be de-activated with
"blocktrans=yes" bootoption. Fixed a few settings, on-the-fly
dpkg might actually work, needs some more testing (dpkg-db
problems). trans minimod will no longer be used.
- integrated openGL nvidia driver, can be activated with
xmodule=nvidia (maybe nv too?). Still has the openGL-rootonly
problem, but the driver is installed to harddisk. Might need to
run /morphix/ after installing, however. nvidia
minimod will no longer be used.
- integrated forceusb. This might be redundant however, as i've
integrated a few of the lkm that seem to cause the problems.
Use "forceusb=yes" to activate it.
- added a new kernel, based on the knoppix (2.4.20-xfs) kernel
but with extra lkm compiled in. Config, include/ and patches
are available on the mirror.
- fixed a number of symlink problems, occuring after installing.
- added a few extra resolutions for X. Seems to work without any
'virtual' resolution on my testpc's, however this might cause
problems. Feedback and tips are greatly appreciated, as always.

all mainmod's:
- installer has been updated, added a useful help, fixed the RAID
and scsi detection problems, however scsi hasn't fully been
tested. Added a fix for lilo, and should show a combobox when
there are multiple harddisks (this too has not been tested, anyone
want to sponsor me? Light/Game installs redirect output to
/tmp/installer.log, not yet done for
Heavy/KDE. Paperclip-replacement has been included
- added a morphix-menu for all 4 of the current
mainmod's. HeavyGUI however has it in a drawer, updating the menus
seems to be too hard for mere mortals. Resolutionchanger does work
with GNOME. Added wlcardconfig, savesettings and mkpersistanthome
from KNOPPIX, but the latter havn't been tested a lot. Added a
networkconfiguration tool, fixes a few bugs in netcardconf and
detects the current settings and preforms selected interface
updates. Added a rootconsole for kde/light
- added a new default background, trying to get it to replace all
other wallpapers in M but this might not be the case everywhere.
- updated to sid, snapshot 27-03-2003

- added balsa instead of sylpheed.

- added grip, samba, cups
- added a new taskbar, you'll either love it or hate it.

- added kmail, knode, kppp. Updated to KDE 3.1.1 (?).
- changed default iconset, actually looks purty now.
- added a cups-(re)start item in morphix menu

- probably forgot a few changes, thats the problem with releasing
too often

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