Xine was working perfectly yesterday, last night I did a apt-get -u upgrade - I don't think XINE was in the upgrade list, but now, I can't get Xine to go anywhere.

Xine opens up the Video Window, the GUI Window, and the Xine Splash, after a few seconds, poof, they all dissapear, nothing.

I was running it from the KMenu, and by running it from a Konsole Shell, the following error is shown:

This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.9.23.
(c) 2000-2003 The xine Team.
dxr3_scr: Failed to open control device /dev/em8300-0 (No such file or directory)
load_plugins: failed to load audio output plugin <alsa>
xine: relocation error: xine: undefined symbol: xine_osd_get_capabilities

Could this be something about having to re-do the apt-get the [dvd] lib, the one from As I said previously, I had Xine working perfectly yesterday, and only did a Upgrade since then. Did my Upgrade hose my dvd lib? Or is this a bad version of Xine, even though I don't think Xine was Upgraded?

Help - I was going to show off Debian/Knoppix to some friends with having the video running, while doing a lot of other things - something [they] or I could never do inside a Windoze system...

Thanks, as always, to any assistance,