I was just tinkering on some files in /etc/skel...

My remaster was booting fine previously. I compared my runcontrol folders with a working CD and they're the same. BUT, knoppix-autoconfig is not running. I boot and it goes straight to runlevel 5, but without the autoconfig init script, nothing is configured and nothing works.

Can I just

cd /etc/rcS.d (in my chroot)
ln -s ../init.d/knoppix-autoconfig S01knoppix-autoconfig

to link knoppix-autoconfig to rcS.d runlevel? It's either that or rcS.d is being skipped over completely, which I doubt.

I do have a S00knoppix-autoconfig in /etc/rcS.d and it points to itself?

when I do a more on it, I see descriptions of what color text should be for different parts of the autoconfig script, but its not the auto-config script....

Why do random unrelated things break everytime I remaster?? grrrr

First it was kmenu and kicker but I fixed them, the it was cloop.o but I fixed that, then it was modules.conf and I fixed that, now its init.