Atari Computer GoldMine For Sale

Atari Computer GoldMine
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Atari Computer GoldMine:

Hi, This is an Atari Gold Mine up for your consideration.TWO Atari 1040STE computers fully functional, one has some damaged keys. TWO Atari MEGAFILE30 HARD DRIVES, one boots and has lots of files as you can see in the photos, the second MEGAFILE30 HARD DRIVE powers on and seeks for a boot file, showing that all the drive needs is an operating system installed. This would be well suited for a ATARI collector with a good understanding of GEM and TOS Atari systems and has some install files for this system. Also included is an ATARI mouse and monitor and the SUPER RARE cable for the Hard Drive. Both STE'S booted to the C: drive and I opened various file's and both floppies read disc.

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