Medical Live CD

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Bioknoppix is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Puerto Rico, with focus on molecular biology and bioinformatic.
Content: EMBOSS 2.8.0, jemboss1, artemis, clustal, Cn3D, ImageJ, Biopython, Rasmol, Bioperl, Bioconductor

The Care2x CD Project

The Care2x CD Project is a Knopphix based LiveCD that includes the Care2x IHS.
Care2x integrates data, functions and workflows in a healthcare environment. It is currently composed of four major components. Each of these components can also function individually.

 HIS - Hospital/Healthservice Information System
 PM - Practice (GP) management 
 CDS - Central Data Server
 HXP - Health Xchange Protocol

Content: Besides regular Knoppix stuff, also LAMP and Care2x.


CDMEDICPACS is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Seville, Spain, with focus on Medical applications.
Content: Free PACS based on ctn, dcmtk and mysql, remote administration: apache mod perl, Image processing: Image Magick,Grevera's dcm2pgm, DICOM Viewer, AFNI, brain and body MRI and PET samples (Tailarach Atlas, FSL BET, SUSAN proccesed MRI),autoconversion from DICOM to Analyze format, used by AMIDE and FSL, and AFNIformat, read and write documents with medical terminology spellchecker, presentations and spreadsheets (also doc, ppt and xml) with Open Office, Mozilla Firefox browser, Evolution for email, contacts and appointments, full multimedia capabilities, save configuration to floppy disk, USB stick, or hidden file on hard disk, hard disk installer. New version with kernels 2.4 y 2.6, hardware 3D acceleration for ATI and Nvidia graphic cards, wireless and bluetooth support and updated programs.


GNUmed is a LiveCD with focus on _Medical application.


LiveOIO is a Knoppix based LiveCD with Medical/Research Content Management.
Content: Open Infrastructure for Outcomes (OIO) - a web-browser accessible Medical/Research Content Management system, Zope, PostgreSQL, Oracle, RAD tools, PsycopgDA database adaptor, ParsedXML, Calendar Tag, automatic hard disk installer.
Feature: user-definable data collection forms and integration with user-definable workflows, schedules, and reports modules.