Security Live CD

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Echelon is a Damn Small Linux based distro from France, for monitoring and managing network.
Content: Apache based system, network monitoring with Nagios, vulnerabilities scan with Nessus, services monitoring, configuration tools (with web interface).


Helix focuses on Incident Response & Forensics tools. Helix has been modified very carefully to NOT touch the host computer in any way and it is forensically sound. Helix wil not auto mount swap space, nor auto mount any attached devices. Helix also has a special Windows autorun side for Incident Response and Forensics.


Inside Security Rescue Toolkit (INSERT) is a LiveCD based on Knoppix.
Content: various tools: network analysis (lcrzoex), disaster recovery (gpart),
anti virus (Clam Antivirus), forensics (chkrootkit), surf internet (links, AxY FTP)

Knoppix STD

KnoppixSTD is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on Security and Network management tools. Content: Fluxbox, Wide variety of security tools.

Local Area Security Knoppix

Local Area Security is a Knoppix based distro with focus on Security tools.
Content: pen testing, forensics, monitoring, firewalls, IDS, and administration.

Penguin Sleuth Kit

Penguin Sleuth Kit is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on computer forensic examinations and information security tools.