Cluster Live CD

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Bootable Cluster CD

The Bootable Cluster CD supports a drop-in solution for MPICH, LAM, PVM,
open Mosix parallel environments.
Tools are available for debugging, compiling, and profiling parallel codes.
Built from sources using GAR (a mix between BSD's "ports" system, Linux from scratch, and gentoo Linux).

Cluster Knoppix

Cluster Knoppix is a Knoppix 3.6 based LiveCD with Open Mosix.
Content: Open MosixView / Open Mosix Userland (Cluster management tools), Open Mosix terminal server - uses PXE, DHCP and tftp to boot linux clients via the network, No cdrom drive/harddisk/floppy needed for the clients, Open Mosix autodiscovery - new nodes automatically join the cluster (without configuration), Every node has root access to every other node via ssh/RSAkeys, MFS/dfsa support, Every node can run full blown X (PC-room/demo setup) or console only (more memory available).

Distcc Knoppix

DistccKNOPPIX is a LiveCD based on Damn Small Linux from Canada, running distccd daemon.
Feature: 4 versions of gcc, g++, cpp in single LiveCD. Run from RAM (toram) or hard disk (tohd) .
Content: Kernel 2.4.26, distcc 2.16 (port 3632), gcc (2.95.4, 3.2.3, 3.3.4, or 3.4.1), cpp (2.95.4, 3.2.3, 3.3.4, or 3.4.1), g++ (2.95.4, 3.2.3, 3.3.4, or 3.4.1).


Instant-Grid is a Knoppix-based live-CD bundled with a pre-configured grid-environment based on the Globus-Toolkit. One PC started from this CD becomes the Instant-Grid frontend. It also functions as a PXE boot-server, allowing further PC in the same local network to boot the Instant-Grid-environment via network-interface-card. Together with the frontend these PC automatically form a working test-grid.

(dead link removed)

Pai Pix is a Knoppix 3.6 based LiveDVD with focus on Scientific and Technical applications (Physics, Mathematics, Electronics).
Content: Open Office, Parallel processing (LAM-MPI), Exim plus, Cyrus imap mail solution, special remaster tool allows the user to include personal documents on the DVD.

Parallel Knoppix

ParallelKnoppix is a Knoppix 4.0.2 based LiveCD with focus on Cluster of machines for Parallel processing.
Features: LAM-MPI, MPICH, openMPI, MPITB for GNU Octave, PVM. A number of MPI examples for C, FORTRAN and Octave are included.

(dead link)


A Knoppix / Debian variant tailored to numerical and quantitative analysis. It incorporates clusterKnoppix and adds support for openMosix, including remote booting of light clients in an openMosix terminal server context. Quantian differs from Knoppix by adding a large number of programs of interest to applied or theoretical workers in quantitative or data-driven fields.