Big problems. So I have an 80GB hd with Windows Xp installed on a 15GB partition (C: ), then i have a further 3 10GB partitions (D:, E:, F: ) and a final 15GB partion (G: ) for my various program, music, data files. I attempted to install SuSE 9.1 on the remaining 20GB.

The install seemed to go without a hitch, i let SuSE create its own partitions, hda9 being a (approx) 1GB swap file, and hda10 being (approx) 18GB, the home disk. It installed the Grub boot loader.

So installs over, it reboots, the grub boot loader should now open, all i see is "GRUB_" in the top left. It just hangs there. So now I cannot get into SuSE 9.1 or Windows XP. No boot disk for XP.

I have thrown in knoppix and taken a look around the grub data files. They are located in hda10. The device map looks like this:

(hd0) /dev/hda
(fd0) /dev/fd0

I belive that all I have to do is change it to read as follows:

(hd0) /dev/hda10
(fd0) /dev/fd0

Well I cannot seem to make this change when I am using knoppix. I do not have write permission.

How can I get write permission?

If you have any other sugestions on how I might fix this problem, please let me know. I have very little experience using linux. Thanks for your help.