While reading the current issue of PC magizine I noticed something in the Feedback section.

I have always been an avid fan of Microsoft and its OS. However, John C. Dvorak's mention of Knoppix Linux (Inside Track, August 17) has changed my entire outlook. Since my first boot of Knoppix from the ISO image, I have been obsessed with this OS and its software suite. The fact that it costs me nothing, "except for the 10-cent CD-R," has turned me into a Linux fiend.
I sing the praises of Knoppix to all who will listen, I have given everyone I know a copy of the ISO image, including my wife. (No honey, I am not a computer geek: I bench press!) I am building a new PC, and you can bet that Knoppix 3.6 will be the OS. Thank you for bringing such an outstanding product to the forefront.
Intresting, I wonder if he is a member of this forum?

Anyway, I found the article.
