Turned out all the problem was that I had been using Winamp to play music out of one of the subfolders of the folder I was trying to rename and though I'd gone on to play a CD instead winamp had somehow still remained attached to the folder. When I closed Winamp I was able to rename the files and folders no problem...

Hello all,

Wondering if you could help at all, might be more of a Windows problem than a Knoppix problem but I’m not sure. Basically I used Knoppix recently in a rescue situation to boot up a damaged hard-disk that I couldn’t get access to otherwise (Window’s just gave me Blue Screens of Deaths). Knoppix seems to be a very handy program for that sort of thing

I managed to copy across the 70gig of important files across to my existing disk running Windows XP (Pro SP2) and while they play fine (mostly being audio files) their coming up as read only in the attributes tab of windows explorer. The tab is ticked under read-only and is also light grey shaded in for some reason. I’ve tried deselecting read only and Windows tells me its applying that to the folders and sub-folders, only it lies, as when I go back in to the properties tab afterwards their still read only.

It’s great to have my music back but I would really like to be able to edit it properly and reorganize the folders to include the new music I’ve got in the meantime. Any idea as to why this could be happening at all or what I could do about it?...

Thanks in advance for any replies!
