I am new here, having some mad troubles with my computer.
It gives me the "Pri Master HDD Error" message upon startup, so I cannot do anything with the hard drive, cannot boot up at all, can't even re install windows. The BIOS detects it as a 40gb hd, when it is a 30gb hd. But the key is, the BIOS detects something, so I know its somewhat still alive. I can hear it running as well, so its not dead just yet.

I booted up Knoppix 3.9, and it does not recognized the hard drive. I set it as my slave, and booted up fine on a primary that I just bought, it detects the primary and shows hd1 on the desktop, but nothing else. I tried unplugging, and plugging it in as a primary, but then Knoppix does not detect any hard drives at all. Is there any hope for me to still access my files, or is my hd dead? Please, I really do need these files. Willing to try just about anything at this point.

Avi D