Hello all.

There is now possible to avoid using loopback mounting of cmg files, but use FUSE module to do that. There is some advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: no need to modify /etc/fstab, limit on number of allowed mounts are much more restrictive (1000 by default). Disadvantages: need to use recent linux kernel (FUSE will be included in 2.6.14; right now you need to install FUSE separately).

That is it: Quick`n`Dirty cramfs FUSE module: fusecram, which can be downloaded from http://ubiz.ru/dm/fusecram-20051029.tar.bz2

It require FUSE (of course), zlib and glib2.

Status: works for me Thanks to Miklos Szeredi, FUSE author for help on debugging it today. Right now it is known to be slow as hell because very unoptimal implementation. For example, it reads real directory structure from cram image each time it is requested by kernel. But what you want from two-days-old program? For using with klik it seems reasonable fast. For me it works faster than kernel-space mounting.

How to use it? Download, compile, install. Than take a little modified zAppRun script from http://ubiz.ru/dm/zAppRun and replace your current $HOME/.zAppRun with it. A little chance there will be no problems If any, please contact me by this forum or directly.

P.S. Unfortunately, i`ll have no much time next few months. So, if anyone want to take fusecram maintenance, i`ll be very happy.. It laks any documentation, it can contain serious bugs, it can be much more improved for klik purposes, etc, etc..

Edited 2005-10-29: Version update, major bugfix