Many apologies for the recent inconveniences. The site should be working properly now and members should be able to log in.

It there are any problems PLEASE drop me a PM or email webmaster - at - this domain.

The problems I fixed include some redirections. You may not be interested but there were many issues with URIs not working properly. Some pages were showing only with a www in the domain name, some were showing only without a www in the domain name.

One major problem that I THINK I've solved completely is the links to old forum threads. When we moved over from the old forum software to the current forum software there was one major change. All thread URLs changed from this format:
to this format:

That meant that if there was a link to an old thread anywhere ... users ended up with a 404 - page not found!

The Regex experts among you would point out that a simple htaccess redirect would solve the problem. However, it's not that simple and I've been tearing my hair out. When you fix one thing, something else gets broke. So between the main htaccess, the forum htaccess, the httpd.conf and the vBulletin php over-riding htaccess files... it's been quite a week.

Anyway, test it now and when you click on or

You should automatically get taken to


There are a few other problems that have been solved as well.

Well, I say that "Whew" a bit cautiously. Please tell me if something is not working smoothly.

Once again, sorry for the trouble. I spent several days on this and I've got a lot less hair now!