Quote Originally Posted by Werner P. Schulz View Post
....can you tell us other websites (not restricted to USA) whith which you have problems now? After using the script which K Knopper inserted within Knoppix, I've no problems to watch Youtube -...
Hi Werner,

In addition to Hulu I've been watching some USA TV networks on-line with Knoppix up through June of this year. Not all worked with Knoppix but many did (if I remember correctly ABC would not play under Knoppix even before June). I completely expect that they are blocked outside the USA. I also watched movies on Crackel.com, I don't know for sure but expect that the content providers also have them blocking outside the USA. If I come up with another Adobe Flash based site that you can get to I'll let you know, but I don't have one to offer at the moment.

Of course, the regional restrictions are not limited to US providers. I would love to be able to watch the BBC and some Canadian providers but they are similarly blocked for US viewers.

As to Youtube, I'm pretty sure that they have moved away from Flash, I think they are using HTML5 and WebM and may be using other technologies. (Here's a link to an article from 2011: http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/04...ploads-to-webm ) As a test I just shut down Linux Mint on the laptop in question and booted my Knoppix 7.4 DVD. This is a fresh boot with no persistence. I was able to go to youtube.com and play videos without ever doing the Knoppix Adobe Flash install. So I'm not surprised that you can play Youtube videos after doing the install, but that doesn't indicate that the install worked. If you come up with another site that you think is using Adobe Flash and that I might be able to access from inside the USA, please let me know and I'll give it a try.