Hi everyone,

I can't seem to find the answer to this, so I decided to make a thread about this.

I'm running Windows XP Home Edition w/ SP1 installed, and all the updates available are installed also. I got Knoppix v3.2 (I downloaded it about 1 year ago, and haven't updated since for some reasons). What I did was reboot from the CD, which went fine. Then I opened up the browser, and it wouldn't connect. So I ran "Kommand", and typed in lspci, and got a list of some stuff on my computer. One was my ethernet card (nVidia...dunno what else it said about it though). So then I ran ifconfig eth0, which returned a "no device found" error. Then I tried pump, but I have to be admin to run it (forgot howto do this), and then restarting the network also failed.

More info: I have an external cabel/dsl box, which is ethernet. I get my IP from DHCP, and my IP isn't static.

So, basically, what I'm asking is does anyone know how to fix this?