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Thread: HELP!!! L 99 99 99 99 99........

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Eastern USA

    HELP!!! L 99 99 99 99 99........

    OK. I decided to give knoppix it own system so I can run windows xp and linux at the same time. After getting the hdd install up and running on the new system, I decided to reclaim my drive space on the windows xp system. So, I went into disk management and deleted the partition that my knoppix install resided. To shorten a long story, I now receive the error, as stated in the subject line of this posting, whenever I try to boot windows xp. I try to use the recovery console to fixmbr and I get a BSOD every time. I read, after searching to forum, that there's a way to do it from dos. I can't find any way to get a dos prompt from outside of windows. Any help with the perplexing problem would be especially appreciated. Upside is now I am exclusively using linux. Downside, everything else.

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    you should have done it the right way, uninstalled lino first THEN deleted everything.
    /sbin/lilo -u
    but as you did not, fixmbr and fixboot should work fron a XP recovery console. no idea wat is wrong.
    have you tried to restart xp with the CD?
    hmm, where did you place the Knoppix install? in the beginning or end of disk?

  3. #3
    Member registered user
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    The LILO man pages says: 99 invalid second stage index sector (LILO) - to me it seams LILO isn't installed correctly. Please post your disk layout and your /etc/lilo.conf file.


  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    yes but if you have read his post you know he just REMOVED that part of lilo. he left the part on mbr.

  5. #5
    Junior Member registered user
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    Sorry to bump this old thread, but I have the same error. I didn't even know that I was supposed to remove lilo first, and now I have this error. But I don't have my Windows install disk. Anything I can do to fix it? (running 3.8 live cd right now)

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Aug 2004
    Look for a program called,


    It belongs to debs "mbr" package. It might be on your Knoppix cd and iv'e got no idea if it works !!!

    Just on an initial test install to a blank fist sector, it seems to have a different type of bootstrap to what iv'e seen so far. Certainly different to the one OSR2 implements.

    The __man__ page would be worth a read as well !

    The FreeBSD installer has a facility to write out a mbr, a dummy install of that may help. That is, just do the motions untill you write a BSD bootstrap, then Ctr-C out of it.

    You havn't said __what__ kind of windows you have... that may/may not be an issue. But it shouldn't be.

    Have you a windows start-up disk, even an old one with fdisk on it.

    fdisk /mbr

    Allowing for no friggen windows funny business with magic fields and the like ..

    any generic bootstrap should do the trick, someone elses, another box, etc

    ... knowing the kind of stuff that company gets upto though ... well, it's worth a try.

    You haven't given much info really.

    If you just deleted the partition, that is, removed its table entry before a reboot ... then ...

    can you remember where it started and its size.

    If it was a logical-extended, then it will likely start straight after the prior on. If it's any primary or primary-extended it also should just start straight after the previous.

    Try just recreating the partition from within a Knoppix cd boot. Using cfdisk.

    The data should still be there, it's just the table entry thats been wiped. A few experiments there wont hurt. As long as you don't try to reformate the area, or recreation.

    If successfull ... look for a file called boot.0300 in the /boot directory. That will be a copy of your mbr before Lilo was installed there.

    ]# dd if=boot.0300 of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1

    will copy it back !.

    Make a copy of your table as it is now, before hand though. Just in case. Write the rsult down on paper

    ]# cfdisk -Pt /dev/hda

    Along with the output from just cfdisk, anf fdisk, for backup/comparision.

    Possibly "qparted" may help, i havent used that either, but iv'e noticed people say it has helped them find deleted table entries for them, allowing for a recreation.

    I'm not sure if the following is a crazy idea or not , it probably is ... but ... if you can use a "hexeditor", the the following might help.

    It's just my own OSR2 implemented bootstrap in hex.

    00000000   33 C0 8E D0  BC 00 7C FB  50 07 50 1F  3.....|.P.P.
    0000000C   FC BE 1B 7C  BF 1B 06 50  57 B9 E5 01  ...|...PW...
    00000018   F3 A4 CB BE  BE 07 B1 04  38 2C 7C 09  ........8,|.
    00000024   75 15 83 C6  10 E2 F5 CD  18 8B 14 8B  u...........
    00000030   EE 83 C6 10  49 74 16 38  2C 74 F6 BE  ....It.8,t..
    0000003C   10 07 4E AC  3C 00 74 FA  BB 07 00 B4  ..N.<.t.....
    00000048   0E CD 10 EB  F2 89 46 25  96 8A 46 04  ......F%..F.
    00000054   B4 06 3C 0E  74 11 B4 0B  3C 0C 74 05  ..<.t...<.t.
    00000060   3A C4 75 2B  40 C6 46 25  06 75 24 BB  :.u+@.F%.u$.
    0000006C   AA 55 50 B4  41 CD 13 58  72 16 81 FB  .UP.A..Xr...
    00000078   55 AA 75 10  F6 C1 01 74  0B 8A E0 88  U.u....t....
    00000084   56 24 C7 06  A1 06 EB 1E  88 66 04 BF  V$.......f..
    00000090   0A 00 B8 01  02 8B DC 33  C9 83 FF 05  .......3....
    0000009C   7F 03 8B 4E  25 03 4E 02  CD 13 72 29  ...N%.N...r)
    000000A8   BE 46 07 81  3E FE 7D 55  AA 74 5A 83  .F..>.}U.tZ.
    000000B4   EF 05 7F DA  85 F6 75 83  BE 27 07 EB  ......u..'..
    000000C0   8A 98 91 52  99 03 46 08  13 56 0A E8  ...R..F..V..
    000000CC   12 00 5A EB  D5 4F 74 E4  33 C0 CD 13  ..Z..Ot.3...
    000000D8   EB B8 00 00  80 36 19 09  56 33 F6 56  .....6..V3.V
    000000E4   56 52 50 06  53 51 BE 10  00 56 8B F4  VRP.SQ...V..
    000000F0   50 52 B8 00  42 8A 56 24  CD 13 5A 58  PR..B.V$..ZX
    000000FC   8D 64 10 72  0A 40 75 01  42 80 C7 02  .d.r.@u.B...
    00000108   E2 F7 F8 5E  C3 EB 74 49  6E 76 61 6C  ...^..tInval
    00000114   69 64 20 70  61 72 74 69  74 69 6F 6E  id partition
    00000120   20 74 61 62  6C 65 00 45  72 72 6F 72   table.Error
    0000012C   20 6C 6F 61  64 69 6E 67  20 6F 70 65   loading ope
    00000138   72 61 74 69  6E 67 20 73  79 73 74 65  rating syste
    0000015C   65 6D 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  em..........
    00000168   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ............
    00000174   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ............
    00000180   00 00 00 8B  FC 1E 57 8B  F5 CB 00 00  ......W.....
    0000018C   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ............
    00000198   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ............
    000001A4   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ............
    000001B0   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  02 2B 5A 1D  .........+Z.
    000001BC   CF C9 
    This is my partition table starting at "0x1BE", don't use this bit.
    000001BE   00 01  01 00 0B FE  3F F6 3F 00  ........?.?.
    000001C8   00 00 F8 8B  3C 00 80 00  01 F7 05 FE  ....<.......
    000001D4   7F EA 37 8C  3C 00 F4 CF  3B 00 00 00  ..7.<...;...
    000001E0   41 EB A5 FE  FF FE 2B 5C  78 00 18 64  A.....+\x..d
    000001EC   83 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ............
    end of my table entries.
    000001F8   00 00 00 00  00 00 55 AA               ......U.
    That might seem a bit wierd, but hey, you never know ... as a last resought. You will need a hexeditor like "hexedit". And yes, it is a frig around. Any carriage returns or new-lines that sneak into the edit will much it up.

    Then just do ...

    dd if=<the-above> of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1

    You should only need to copy the first "446" bytes in, not the whole 512. In fact, i would strongly recommend not to try more than 446 bytes.

    One way to do the above ... copy out your first sector,

    ]# dd if=/dev/hda of=repair.img bs=446 count=1

    Then bring it up in "hexedit", then edit the file with the above, save, then copy back.


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
               damned if you do,
              damned if you don't

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2005
    I had the sam problem with RED HAT9. I solved this Problem installing GRUB instead of LILO.

  8. #8
    Junior Member registered user
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    Well I tried install-mbr, and that didn't help. And I have no windows CD use, so I want to try GRUB.

    So I go to root and type in grub-install, and it gives me a help menu, and says grub-install [options] install_device
    I read what it said install_device is supposed to be, but I can't figure it out? Any help?

  9. #9
    Senior Member registered user
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    Kater Karlo,

    I had the sam problem with RED HAT9. I solved this Problem installing GRUB instead of LILO.

    Can't see how you could have, if the problem was the same.

    ssj2kite needs a bootstrapper, not a loader (similar things, but also very different).

    If the partition was deleted, making the secondary files and mbr backup unavailable. Just installing Grub instead wouldn't have replaced a working bootstrap. Reinstalling Linux and reinstalling Lilo or Grub would get things working. But on removal ... with out an original or otherwise bootstrap copy ...


    Going by your original post i took it that you had both XP and Linux installed on the one hdd. With lilo installed to the mbr. Then you deleted the Linux partition with the intension of using all the drive for XP. Due to getting another "System", that you intended to run Linux on.

    If thats correct ... then you have Lilo still on your mbr, but it wont boot because you wiped out the partition that held it's secondary files. The same would happen with any loader that was dependent on secondary files to boot. That includes both Grub and Lilo.

    If you were to install a tmp Linux on the XP system, with the intent of reinstalling Lilo, or installing Grub to the mbr, so it would have a seconstage set to boot with. Well, that would likely work. But as you wiped the mbr backup that Lilo made with the original install, when you went to uninstall the loader, and thus the temp Linux install, you wouldn't have a viable bootstrap to replace on the mbr. Any backup made would be the existing Lilo first stage .... result ... back were you started.

    Pity the "install-mbr" didn't work. And it sounds like you don't have a startup disk to rewite a bootstrap with.

    I'd suggest a mention of this in the Windows section of these forums. As there might be someone there who knows of where you could get a working bootstrapper (mbr) from. And they may not have seen this thread. A vist to the "pcplus" forums might help too, for the same reason.

    Well I tried install-mbr, and that didn't help. And I have no windows CD use, so I want to try GRUB.

    As per the above, Grub wont help you here, as you need a bootstrap mbr (446 bytes).

    Try this ...

    ]# dd if=/dev/zero of=edit_mbr.img bs=446 count=1

    ]# hexedit edit_mbr.img

    type F1 for help ...

    Use the text dump of my existing bootstrap above, and type it in verbatum. Only the first 446 bytes.

    In hexedit, you will get an error everytime you accidently type anthing out of the 0 to 9 and a to f range. Type Ctr-S to save ..

    A message comes up,

    "Save changes (Yes/No/Cancel) ?"

    As soon as i type yes i get ...

    "Hexa string to search: ()",

    So i just key enter and it saves.

    The only thing that could happen is that it will be missing some special magic string that XP looks for, otherwise it wont boot. But, if you had XP booting with Lilo on your mbr that probably wont be the case.

    After thats done, and checked against the above dump, just do ...

    ]# dd if=edit_mbr.img of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1

    As it is a working mbr bootstrap, and a typo is about the only real problem involved, it's probably worth the shot


  10. #10
    Senior Member registered user
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    Just two more ideas on this that i just remembered. And probably much simpler ...
    #1:  Put "Smart Boot Manager" on a floppy, boot with that, select your XP partition. Then restore the bootstrap from there.
    #2: As the bootstrap is just going to load a first stage loader anyway, and XPs' will be on the first sector of the C:/ drive partition. Just replace the following with what ever partition the C:/ drive is on. In my case the first primary hda1.
    . NB: As this is going to use a full 512 byte loader file, only copy it to a floppy, then boot via that. If you try copying it to hda, it will overwrite your table, which is not a good idea.
    . Put a blank floppy in the floppy drive.
    . Boot into Knopix cd/or hdd install Linux
    ]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 count=1
    ]# dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1
    Re-boot, go to bios and set sequence to look for a floppy drive boot first. Continue boot with floppy in drive.
    Then use XPs' recovery facilities.

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