Hi guys, I am totally new to Linux and I am using Knoppix to find my way around using Linux. Now there are some basic questions I would like to know. I hope you guys can help me out.

(Important note! This is info I need for school work. And I am working in the console. So I'm just working with commands and not with a GUI.)

1) I found some basic commands and I was wondering how to use them, what different options there are and what you use them for etc.
they are:

man ls, ls -la, ls /etc | less, ps -aux, grep '#!/bin/sh' /usr/bin/*,

2) I was looking at the directory structure. What kind of files are where, and what do they do. My question is how (for instance) do I mount the floppydrive, or how do I format one? How do I put my "home"directory on a USB stick?

3) How do I create users and groups? If for instance I wanted to make a group called "Student" (with the ID "2222") for two users.

4) I have to create 4 text files that can be read by both users, only user 1, only user 2, and none of them (root). How can I do this?

5) How can I execute and stop a program or command in the background?

6) I wanna figure out how VI works, and for instance how to get line numbers on screen.

7) How can I simply write, compile and execute a c++ program with keyboard as input, screen as output and command lines as parameters)

If even you have only an answer on 1 of these questions, I would be happy. If you have more answers it is of course, always better.

I really hope you can help me out. Tnx in advance!

ps. I do need to know most of it by wednesday. After that you don't really have to bother posting cause then I am supposed to know anyway.