I tried downloading KNOPPIX_V4.0DVD-2005-08-16-EN.iso from http://ftp.chg.ru/pub/Linux/knoppix-dvd/ server and I failed.

There were two problems: While I was downloading the file connection failed. Upon reconnect Apache Web server on chg erroneously gave this file size and then I tried to countinue (wget -c) downloading file from ftp://ftp.chg.ru. This time `wget` overdownloaded file upto 3 402 235 928 bytes (I killed wget as soon I had noticed that wget exceeded original file size) with its original size only 3 324 309 504 bytes.

I hoped that file downloaded OK and issued this command on my downloaded file:

dd if=KNOPPIX_V4.0DVD-2005-08-16-EN.iso bs=4096 count=811599 | md5

Unfortunately computed md5 sum of the part of the file does not match with the original file.

Will anyone, please, provide this file md5sum for every 100K or 1M block OR give me advice how not to redownload the whole file? At first attempt I had only around 600Mb left to download when connection failed.