There are literally thousands of resources available on the web for those who are seeking Linux Training in order to get their Linux Certification. The most popular of these websites is the Linux Training Database, which outlines over 719 training centers across the globe, not to mention several methods of internet based training. The Linux Professional Institute for Certification does not provide any training materials, so it is up to the person to obtain these materials.
There are several ways to begin your Linux training, starting with classes. Several colleges and community colleges now offer basic training courses on linux which satisfy curriculum for entering the computer science field. These classes act as a primer which will set you on the road to understanding several basics of Linux, including many of the different distributions available, such as Knoppix, Debian, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Gentoo, etc. If you don't have access to a college where you can take these classes, your next step to seek training could be teaching yourself with the various resources available on the web.
Many training institutes such as the college classes mentioned above also offer internet training which you complete yourself. This work is done outside of any classroom and on your own time. However, these resources might provide a forum for feedback and questions to be asked, which would be answered by someone who is knowledgeable in the linux field. These self training courses offer materials such as a paper manual for referencing, flash videos and some even provide access to a live training network. Usually, the manuals which are included with these training packages include Labs which are step by step for easy skill development. Any movies which are provided with these training courses are usually given to you on CD and demonstrate each of the principles which are learned in the training manuals. The movies generally include voice so you're able to hear an instructor explain the topic at hand. If the online training provides access to a Live Training Network, students can usually attend a varying number of classes each week for a semester, or three months. This is a very acceptable substitute for those who cannot make it to physical classrooms, but still must receive Linux training.
There are also plenty of websites online which are not related to any institution and provide quality learning materials, free of charge. Many of these websites are ran by Linux certified individuals who found it very hard to obtain the necessary materials for their certification, and now offer what they learned, free of charge. Once such website is the Educational Portal, which has composed a list of 10 different sources for free linux training online. Each of the websites listed there offer their material for free and the material ranges from the basics for beginners, to advanced training which experts would find useful in seeking advanced levels of certification. As always, there are countless more resources which can't be listed here, but searching should yield quite a few results for the linux training you seek.
Other useful links for Linux Training are at Red Hat, IBM, The Linux Foundation and Easy Linux
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