Security Live CD

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Revision as of 05:04, 22 July 2005 by DennyHalim (Talk | contribs)

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Auditor security collection

Auditor Security Collection is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on Security.
Feature: starndarised working environment, remote support, optimal toolset.
Content: Tools for foot-printing, analysis, scanning, wireless driver, brute-forcing, cracking, information on standard configurations and password, 64 millions word list, productivity (web browsers, editor, graphic, report generator), Wellenreiter and Kismet with automatic hardware identification, wireless card drivers.


Echelon is a Damn Small Linux based distro from France, for monitoring and managing network.
Content: Apache based system, network monitoring with Nagios, vulnerabilities scan with Nessus, services monitoring, configuration tools (with web interface).


Inside Security Rescue Toolkit (INSERT) is a LiveCD based on Knoppix.
Content: various tools: network analysis (lcrzoex), disaster recovery (gpart),
anti virus (Clam Antivirus), forensics (chkrootkit), surf internet (links, AxY FTP)

Knoppix STD

KnoppixSTD is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on Security and Network management tools. Content: Fluxbox, Wide variety of security tools.

Local Area Security Knoppix

Local Area Security is a Knoppix based distro with focus on Security tools.
Content: pen testing, forensics, monitoring, firewalls, IDS, and administration.