Hi all

I've got a PC where the SCSI CDROM is connected to a Tekram dc390 card (with BIOS). The PC boots from thw cd, the live-cd starts,
but then at some point hangs. I tried nearly all live CDs I could find - Knoppix, Ubuntu, BSD: Dragonfly, Freesbie, Solaris... None booted
successfully. With Knoppix I see the autohw-detect loads the driver for the other SCSI card (dc395x) and stops there. But I don't really
think the problem is with that card - there's nothing connected to it. I think, it then tries to load tmscsim (for dc390) and then hangs -
unable to mount the boot / root CD. I would try building a custom live CD with my own kernel and test a couple of kernel configurations,
perhaps, some debugging - unless somebody knows the reason and has a solution? Otherwise Linux runs happily (when booted from
SCSI hd) on that machine, using the CDROM is also no problem then.
