First, I´m an absolute Knoppix beginner, so my questions are probably very stupid (sorry, even the faq´s gave me no answer).
My problem is, that I have no acces in K3B to my windows files to make a backup on cd. Even if the hda1 is mountet by cklickig on the hda1 icon on the desktop, I have no access unter K3B. If I try to paste and copy the hda1, I only get the "Einrichtungsdatei", not the files.
Under Desktop-Konqueror acces is possible witout problems.
Probably a mounting problem ??
My fstab looks like this: "/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs noauto,user,exec,ro,unmask=000,uid=knoppix,gid=kno ppix 00"
I need an "idiot`s guide" for mounting an windows hd unter Knoppix or a step-by-step help for my problem.
Thanks a lot.